Links da Semana

Links da Semana #29

Metrô de São Paulo agora tem supermercado virtual

Adesivo imita gôndolas nas estações Paulista, Pinheiros e Faria Lima, e quer incentivar clientes a fazer compras em supermercado online

Site reúne vídeos feitos com drones em diversas cidades do mundo

TravelByDrone mostra imagens publicadas no YouTube e feitas com as máquinas aladas, e as relaciona em um mapa

Dumbing down the smart city

Does the smart city concept put technology ahead of people, ignoring the very things that make us human?  Adam Greenfield, Senior Urban Fellow in LSE Cities, discusses the growing public scepticism around claims that intelligent operating systems and data analytics are the key to our future.

Smart Cities: How digital will put people in the centre

Digital is permeating every aspect of life. Healthcare, retail, transport, communications, government. As digital undergoes continued adoption, it will continue to drive improved communications, real-time access to data and connected products and services (things), and deliver better experiences for all that interact with digitally connected and augmented spaces.

Dark Side to Internet of Things: Hacked Homes and Invasive Ads

Hackers can crack governments and corporations, let alone smartphones and desktops. What’s to stop them from hacking a connected house? Think back to those dark ages when the first smartphones arrived. Back then, few people worried about the privacy and security issues those products might pose. Look where we are today.

From NASA, the World Cup’s 12 Cities Lit Up at Night

Proving its devotion to monitoring spheres that zoom through space, NASA has jumped into the football fray with images of the 12 Brazilian cities hosting World Cup games, lit up at night like blazing stadium lights.